
  1. Pride and Prejudice: the nation’s favourite novel

    Pride and Prejudice: the nation’s favourite novel  

    Pride and Prejudice was published two hundred years ago but remains as fresh and alive to readers across the land. LESLEY FINLAY recalls her introduction to the novel along with writer Hilary Robertson and teacher Alison Clayton...

  2. Review: Cinderella


    You can expect nothing less but innovation done well at the Tobacco Theatre in Bristol. And that includes a performance of Cinderella, as reviewer ELENA MOZZATO found out...

  3. Matthew Bourne’s Cinderella

    Matthew Bourne’s Cinderella  

    Matthew Bourne’s Cinderella at the Lowry Theatre, Salford Review by Cecilia C Walker When you say ‘Matthew Bourne’ most ballet-lovers smile knowingly – wasn’t his Swan Lake the most exciting interpretation ever?  So it is with great anticipation we set off to the Lowry in Salford on a chilly Tuesday night to see whether his […]