1. Book Review: Heartsong by Kevin Crossley-Holland & Jane Ray

    Book Review: Heartsong by Kevin Crossley-Holland & Jane Ray  

    Published by Orchard Likely to work for anyone aged over about 8 or 9, this exquisite succinct historical novel brings together several arts so it should be perfect for Ink Pellet readers and their pupils and students. Heartsong explores the life of a mute musician, an orphan at the famous Ospedale della Pieta in early […]

  2. Book Review: BU21 by Stuart Slade

    Book Review: BU21 by Stuart Slade  

    Published by Nick Hern Books BU21 by Stuart Slade is the touchingly topical story of six people of all different backgrounds and ways of life and how a single tragic event on Friday the 22nd July 2016 brought them all together. In writing BU21 (which is also the name of the airliner that is shot […]

  3. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF… Lou Stein

    A DAY IN THE LIFE OF… Lou Stein  

    Chickenshed, whose slogan is “Theatre changing lives” is an inclusive theatre company in north London which also runs further and higher education courses. Since 2000 it has established 19 “sheds” in the UK and two in Russia to develop inclusive theatre elsewhere. Susan Elkin talks to Lou Stein who took over as director in April.